DNS Firewall Threat Feeds

Applied at the DNS level of your infrastructure, these threat feeds automatically stop users from accessing malicious sites including phishing and malware dropper websites.

These threat feeds can be integrated with existing recursive DNS servers, or for those who don’t manage their own DNS, we have a managed service available.

  • Reduce IT costs
  • Set and forget
  • Save money on risk insurance

Welcome to the Spamhaus Developer License

23 March 2021


We're aware that it can take time to find the right use case and build the right application to meet its needs. So, we've created a license to give developers access to the data without the 30-day time limit attached to a trial. The developer license runs for six-month periods.

BEST PRACTICE | DNSBLs and email filtering – how to get it right

27 January 2021

Best practice

There are multiple benefits to using blocklists, reducing infrastructure costs, and workforce hours to increasing catch rates. However, to get the most from DNSBLs, it's vital to use them at the right points in your email filtering process.

UOL’s IT team gain huge efficiencies using Spamhaus’ Data Query Service

6 October 2020

Case Study

Data Query Service enables email provider, Universo Online (UOL) to protect millions of users from spam and other malicious email threats while freeing-up 20% of the team's time resources.